1) TOPIC SENTENCE a) main idea of a paragraph b) ur mom c) the big gae d) offerino e) garbago f) salad 2) CENTRAL IDEA a) unifying element of the story b) gamer fuel watermelon flavor c) gamer fuel lemon/lime flavor d) peace tea e) starbucks coffee f) dunkin donuts coffee 3) AUDIENCE a) the reader of the writing b) big chungus c) bigger chungus d) biggest chungus e) smaller chungus f) smallest chungus 4) ELABORATE a) develope or present b) dank memes c) vegan milk d) star trek e) beam me up scotty f) cats don't meow 5) CLAIM a) a main idea for a paragraph or joining evidence b) the right answer c) the wrong answer d) thanos e) ree f) yee yee juice

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