1) What do we call a substance that changes color in acid or alkali? a) Indicator b) Solution c) Reagant d) Catalyst 2) What colour would universal indicator turn in a strong acid? a) Green b) Red c) Orange d) Yellow 3) What colour would universal indicator turn in a weak acid a) Green b) Red c) Orange d) Yellow 4) What is the formula for hydrochloric acid? a) HClO4 b) HCl c) H202 d) NaCl 5) What is the formula for sulfuric acid? a) HClO4 b) HCl c) H2SO4 d) NaCl 6) What is the formula for Nitric Acid a) HNO3 b) HCl c) H2SO4 d) NaNO3 7) What colour would universal indicator turn in a neutral substance a) Green b) Red c) Orange d) Blue 8) What colour would universal indicator turn in an alkali a) Green b) Red c) Orange d) Blue 9) What is the pH of a strong acid a) 1-3 b) 4-6 c) 7 d) 8-10 e) 11-14 10) What is the pH of a weak acid a) 1-3 b) 4-6 c) 7 d) 8-10 e) 11-14 11) What is the pH of a neutral solution? a) 1-3 b) 4-6 c) 7 d) 8-10 e) 11-14 12) What is the pH of a weak alkali? a) 1-3 b) 4-6 c) 7 d) 8-10 e) 11-14 13) What is the pH of a strong alkali? a) 1-3 b) 4-6 c) 7 d) 8-10 e) 11-14 14) What is the formula for sodium hydroxide? a) NaH b) NaCl c) NaOH d) Na2O 15) Define "neutralisation" a) The process of adding an acid and base together to form a salt and water b) The process of heating an acid and base c) The process of diluting an acid or base d) The process of separating an acid and base 16) Recall the general equation for a neutralization reaction? a) Acid + Base → Salt + Water b) Acid + Salt → Base + Water c) Base + Salt → Acid + Water d) Acid + Base → Water + Salt 17) What makes an acid a concentrated acid? a) Small number of acid particles in a small volume b) Lots of acid particles in a small volume c) Small number of acid particles in a large volume 18) Which of these is an example of an indicators a) Hydrochloric Acid b) Salt c) Litmus Paper d) Carbon Dioxide 19) Describe the test for carbon dioxide gas? a) See if it turns limewater cloudy b) Adding a drop of universal indicator to a sample of the gas c) Adding a drop of acid to a sample of the gas d) Holding a piece of litmus paper near the gas and observing if it changes colour

KS3 Science - 3.6.2 Acids and Alkalis


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