Devon's favorite sport is swimming. - 德文最喜歡的運動是游泳。, At first, he liked playing water by the swimming pool. - 起初,他喜歡在游泳池邊玩水。, Later, he found that it was more interesting to play in the water than staying by the pool. - 後來,他發現在水里玩比呆在水池邊更有趣。, However, it was the most fun to swim. - 不過,還是游泳最好玩。, Devon has been swimming since he found out the secret of feeling fun when he was five. - 德文自從他五歲時發現了快樂的秘訣後就一直在游泳。, As Devon grew older, he learned that the fun of swimming was about feeling relaxed. - 隨著德文長大,他了解到游泳的樂趣在於放鬆。, When he felt relaxed in the water, his body would float and there was no noise. - 當他在水中感到放鬆時,他的身體就會漂浮起來,沒有任何聲音。, Devon felt his mind was as quiet as in the forest. - 德文覺得自己的心靜如森林。, But the quietness sometimes would not be there when a swimming contest comes. - 但是當游泳比賽來臨時,安靜有時就不會存在了。, Devon has to practice a lot to prepare. - Devon必須進行大量練習才能做好準備。, All he can hear is the splashes of the water and his coach's shouting. - 他只能聽到濺水聲和教練的喊叫聲。, In the contest, Devon swims as fast as he can, and his spirit is high. - 比賽中,德文游得如魚得水,意氣風發。, Devon always remembers when he won the first prize in front of his parents, coach, teammates and friends. - 德文始終記得自己在父母、教練、隊友和朋友面前獲得第一名的情景。, It was amazing that the happiness was not his alone but theirs as well. - 令人驚奇的是,幸福不僅是他一個人的,也是他們的。, Now, Devon has learned more from swimming - 現在,德文從游泳中學到了更多, because he finds out that he is healthier than his friends who do not do sports of any kind. - 因為他發現自己比不做任何運動的朋友更健康。, The health in turn gives him a clearer mind to study. - 健康反過來又讓他有更清晰的頭腦去學習。, After several years of training, Devon would stay focused on his studies when he sits down to read and write. - 經過幾年的訓練,當他坐下來讀書和寫作時,德文會專注於他的學業。, His performance in school becomes better and better, and he feels proud of himself. - 他在學校的表現越來越好,他為自己感到驕傲。, In his heart, Devon wants to become the best student in his school in the near future. - 在他的心中,德文想在不久的將來成為他學校最好的學生。, He keeps the hope to himself. - 他把希望留給了自己。, Someday, Devon will be as outstanding as any famous athlete, - 總有一天,德文會像任何著名運動員一樣出色,, and the honor will not be his only but his parents' as well. - 榮譽將不僅是他的,也是他父母的。, What sport is the most fun for Devon? - Devon 最有趣的運動是什麼?, Swimming is the most fun sport for Devon. - 游泳是德文最好玩的運動。, How did Devon's heart feel when he won the first prize? - 德文獲得一等獎時的心情是怎樣的?, His heart felt amazed when he won the first prize. - 當他獲得一等獎時,他的內心感到很驚訝。, When did Devon start swimming? - 德文是什麼時候開始游泳的?, He started swimming when he was five. - 他五歲開始游泳。, Why has Devon's school performance been getting better and better? - 為什麼德文的學習成績越來越好?, Because he would stay focused on his study when he sits down to read and write. - 因為當他坐下來閱讀和寫作時,他會專注於學習。, Who will the honor of Devon's success belong to? - 德文成功的榮譽將屬於誰?, The honor will not be his only but his parents' as well. - 榮譽不是他一個人的,也是他父母的。,



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