____ ____ smaller fish. ____ ____ animals for food. ____ ____ more than one kilo. ____ ____ bananas. ____ ____ mice. ____ ____in the ocean. The African elephant 🐘 ____ fish 🐟🐠. The blue whale 🐋 ____ all around the world 🌎. The blue whale 🐋 ____ more ➕ than 6,000 kilos. The blue whale 🐋 and the African elephant 🐘 ____ for 100 years. The blue whale 🐋 and the African elephant 🐘 ____ mammals. - ____ the giant panda 🐼 live in China? - ____ - ____ frogs 🐸🐸 eat mammals? - ____ - ____ the bottlenose dolphin 🐬 sleep 💤 in the water? - ____ - ____ the Siberian tiger 🐅 eat plants? - ____ - ____ canaries come from the USA? - ____


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