1) Which of these are herbs (3 correct answers) a) Parsley b) Spring onions c) Tarragon d) Mistletoe e) Chives f) Garlic 2) Which of these would you use on a pizza (3 correct answers) a) Lupins b) Thyme c) Oregano d) Carrot tops e) Basil f) Sprinkles 3) What do herbs need to grow well? (3 correct answers) a) Sunlight b) Biscuits c) Rainbows d) Water e) Good soil f) A fluffy blanket 4) Which 2 herbs accompany lamb (2 correct answers) a) Rosemary b) Thyme c) Parsley d) Mint e) Basil f) Sage 5) In what form can you find herbs? (3 correct answers) a) Mushy b) Fresh c) Soggy d) Falling like raindrops from the sky e) Frozen f) Dried


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