1) How does sound travel? a) In a straight line b) In a curvy line c) As a series of vibrations d) By making a noise 2) Sound travels… a) slower than the speed of light b) at the same speed as light c) faster than the speed of light 3) The volume of sound is measured in… a) decibels b) centimetres c) kilograms d) miles 4) Sounds gets louder… (tick 2) a) as we move further away from the source b) as we move closer to the source c) there is less energy creating the sound d) there is more energy creating the sound 5) On a stringed musical instrument, the pitch can be changed by…  a) plucking the string harder b) plucking the string softer c) tightening the string d) loosening the string 6) On a stringed musical instrument, the pitch can be made higher by…  a) plucking the string harder b) plucking the string softer c) tightening the string d) loosening the string 7) On a stringed musical instrument, the pitch can be made lower by…  a) plucking the string harder b) plucking the string softer c) tightening the string d) loosening the string 8) On a stringed musical instrument, the volume can be changed by…  a) plucking the string harder b) plucking the string softer c) tightening the string d) loosening the string 9) On a stringed musical instrument, the sound can be made louder by…  a) plucking the string harder b) plucking the string softer c) tightening the string d) loosening the string 10) On a stringed musical instrument, a quieter sound can be made by…  a) plucking the string harder b) plucking the string softer c) tightening the string d) loosening the string 11) The origin of the sound is called the… a) noise b) source c) vibration d) frequency 12) The pitch of a sound describes… a) how fast or slow a sound is b) how loud or quiet a sound is c) how low or high a sound is 13) When a sound hits the ear... a) nothing vibrates b) the whole ear vibrates c) the eardrum vibrates d) the brain vibrates 14) Sound can travel through… a) the air b) water c) the floor d) space e) nothing 15) A pupil blows through two different length straws. Which statement is true? a) The shorter straw will make a higher-pitched sound. b) The shorter straw will make a louder sound. c) The longer straw will make a higher-pitched sound. d) The longer straw will make a louder sound. 16) How could you make the straw make a louder sound? a) by blowing through it harder b) By blowing through it softly c) By blowing through it differently d) By squeezing the straw as you blow through it


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