1) Which of the following statements is not correct about thermal energy transfers? a) it transfers from a hotter place to a colder place b) it transfers from a colder place to a hotter place c) requires a temperature difference d) it transfers from a higher temperature to a lower temperature 2) When 2 spoons: one is metal, the other is wooden lying on the table (both are at the same temperature- room temperature) which statements are correct in each of the following when you pick up each (a to c) a) I. b) II. c) III. 3) When 2 spoons: one is metal, the other is wooden lying on the table (both are at the same temperature- room temperature) which statements are correct in each of the following when you pick up each. a) I. b) II. c) III. 4) .............……………….. the transfer of thermal energy by the vibration of molecules. a) Infrared b) conduction c) convection d) radiation 5) ................substance that conducts thermal energy.  a) Thermal conductor  b) Thermal insulator  c) Thermal radiation 6) ...........a substance that conducts very little thermal energy a) Thermal conductor b) Thermal insulator c) Thermal radiator 7) Air and water are very poor conductors of thermal energy a) True b) Fales 8) which of the following is a conductor of thermal energy? a) glass b) ice c) silver d) plastic 9) Metals are good conductors because:  a) Their electrons are free to move thus carry energy b) they have big numbers of protons c) They have equal numbers of electrons and protons 10) what make gases bad conductors of thermal energy? a) the particles are packed together b) The particles are very spread out c) the particles move very slow 11) .......…………. the transfer of thermal energy through a material by the movement of the material itself a) Infrared b) Convection c) Conduction d) Radiation 12) ..................is the transfer of thermal energy by the motion of a fluid. a) Conduction b) Radiation c) Convection current 13) ............is the only form of thermal energy transfer which does not involve the movement of particles a) Radiation b) Conduction c) Convection 14) Which technical word describes light, infrared, and other similar waves? a) faster- conductors b) electrons c) electromagnetic waves 15) Which kinds of surfaces are the best reflectors of radiation? a) Black and mat b) black and rough c) transparent and smooth d) white and shiny

Quiz-chapter 11: Thermal Energy Transfers


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