1) The _____________ backpack is red. a) girl b) girl's c) girls 2) The _______________ collar is shiny. a) dog b) dogs c) dog's 3) The ______________ desk is cluttered. a) teachers' b) teacher's c) teachers 4) Sean broken ___________ toy by accident. a) Sarah's b) Sarah c) Sarahs 5) The ____________ books are on the table. a) students b) student's c) students' 6) The _____________ painting is beautiful. a) artist's b) artist c) artists 7) We used my ____________ house to have my birthday party. a) Aunty Cherrys b) Aunty Cherry's c) Aunty Cherrys' 8) The __________ shoes are polished. a) man's b) man c) mans 9) The ____________ hat is blue. a) boys b) boy c) boy's 10) The ________ tail is fluffy. a) cat's b) cats c) cats'


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