1) The bright sun shone in the clear sky. a) shone b) bright c) clear 2) The eager students listened to the interesting story. a) eager b) listened c) interesting 3) The children played in the sparkling water. a) children b) sparkling c) water 4) The clouds gathered in the darkening sky. a) gathered b) clouds c) darkening 5) The oak tree withstood the ferocious storm. a) ferocious b) oak tree c) storm 6) He found a quarter on the sidewalk. a) sidewalk b) quarter c) found 7) The exquisite painting hung in the lavish art gallery. a) gallery b) exquisite c) lavish 8) She wore a beautiful dress to the party. a) wore b) dress c) beautiful 9) The tasty pizza was topped with delicious cheese and pepperoni. a) tasty b) delicious c) pepperoni 10) The gigantic elephant sprayed itself with water. a) water b) itself c) gigantic


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