A computer - It is made of plastic and you use it for sending emails and watching movies. It isn't a mobile phone., A light bulb - It is made of glass and you use it for lighting a room., Gloves - These are made of wool and you use them for keeping your hands warm., A pot - It is made of metal and you use it for cooking., Glasses. - It is made of glass and you use it for seeing better., A Pen - It is made of plastic and you use it for writing., A book - It is made of paper and you use it for reading., Socks - These are made of cotton and you use them for keeping your feet warm., A mirror - This is made of glass and you use it to see yourself., A key - It is made of metal and you use it for locking and unlocking doors., A door - It is made of wood and you use it for opening and closing., Earrings - These are sometimes made of gold and you wear them.,

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