1) Reggae is popular in the Caribbean a) true b) false 2) The Caribbean region is made up of islands such as Cuba and Jamaica a) true b) false 3) England is a part of the Caribbean islands a) true b) false 4) Jazz is a popular Caribbean style of music a) true b) false 5) Salsa, Calypso and Compas are famouse Caribbean foods a) true b) false, they are popular styles of music 6) Bob Marley is a famous reggae musician a) true b) false 7) Pop and Hiphop are types of music a) true b) false 8) Which of these is a famous Bob Marley song? a) One love b) One hate 9) Key instruments in reggae are the bass guitar and violin a) true b) false 10) Which of these is a famous Jimmy Cliff song? a) I can barely see now b) I can see clearly now

Caribbean music


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