1) How many people are there in this family? a) There are four people. b) There are five people. c) There are six people. d) There are seven people. 2) How many children have they got? a) They haven't got any children b) They have got one child. c) They have got two children. d) They have got three children. 3) How many daughters have they got? a) They haven't got any daughters. b) They have got one daughter. c) They have got two daughters. d) They have got three daughters. 4) How many sons have they got? a) They haven't got any sons. b) They have got one son. c) They have got two sons. d) They have got three sons. 5) How many children have they got? a) They have got two children. b) They have got four children. c) They have got six children. d) They have got eight children. 6) How many people are there in this family? a) There are nine people. b) There are eleven people. c) There are thirteen people. d) There are fifteen people.


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