boiling - When a liquid is heated and bubbles rise through the liquid and escape into the air, freezing - When the particles in a liquid begin to move more slowly and it turns into a solid, physical - A usually reversible change in the properties of a substance, vibrate - A solid begins to melt when the particles begin to ... faster, evaporation - The change of state from liquid to gas, gas - State of matter in which the particles are spread out, Brownian motion - Random movement of particles in a gas or liquid, energy - What we have to add for a change of state to occur, diffusion - The random movement of particles from an area of high concentration to low concentration, Mixture - Made up of two or more parts NOT chemically joined together, conservation of mass - Scientific law states the total mass of reactants is equal to the total mass of products, melting point - The temperature at which a substance melts, particles - All materials are made up of..., one hundred - the boiling point of water in degrees celcuis, liquid - State of matter where particles are close together but can slide over one another, three - How many states of matter are there?, condensing - The change of state from gas to liquid, solid - State of matter where particles are arranged uniformly and in fixed positions, element - Identical atoms bonded together, compound - 2 or more different atoms bonded together, chemical - A change where atoms react to form new products, Boiling point - The temperature at which a substance boils,


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