If he remembers his own name, we’ll be able to help him. ( SHOULD), If he pushed the button, we’d all have problems. ( WERE), If I was ridiculously rich, I think I’d still work. ( WERE) , If we’d arrived sooner, we wouldn’t have missed the beginning. ( HAD), If the driver were faster, we would’ve arrived ages ago. ( WERE), If we’d got just one more signature, we’d be on target now. ( HAD), Should Batman come, we’re in big trouble.  ( make a negative sentence), Were Tom a smart person, he’d invest all his money in Cobra Industries. ( make a negative sentence), Had they told us about the dolphin, we wouldn’t have come. ( make a negative sentence), If he were over 18, we would allow him to join the Python club. ( were), If we'd bought that property, we'd be rich now. (had), If she refuses the offer, we'll raise the price. (should), If I'd woken up earlier, I wouldn't have missed the boat. (had), If we weren't so clever, we wouldn't have got the contract. (were), If James doesn't remember, we'll have to start again. (should).



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