1) It is a a) shop b) restaurant c) hospital 2) delicious a) lunch b) salad c) delicious 3) What would he like to eat? a) I'd like b) He'd likes c) He'd like 4) Would you like fish and rice? a) Yes, I would b) Yes, he would c) No, I wouldn't  5) Can I .......... some juice, please? a) have b) has c) had 6) Would you like some salad? a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, he does. c) Yes, I would 7) Would you like chicken and bread? a) No, I'd like fish. b) No, please. c) No, thank you. I'd like fish, please. 8) Thank you a) Welcome b) You're welcome c) Here you are. 9) Would/ like/ vegetables/ ?/ you/ some  a) Would like you some vegetables? b) Would you some vegetables like? c) Would you like some vegetables ? 10) He would like. The short form is a) He, d b) He'd c) He d, 11) I would .The short form is a) I'd b) I,d c) I d,

Let's go to a restaurant


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