1) What's the weather like? Jaka jest pogoda? a) It's windy. b) It's snowy. c) It's sunny. 2) What's the weather like? a) It's hot. b) It's rainy. c) It's snowy. 3) What's the weather like? a) It's stormy. b) It's sunny. c) It's snowy. 4) What's the weather like? a) It's hot. b) It's rainy. c) It's foggy. 5) What's the weather like? a) It's hot. b) It's cold. c) It's windy. 6) 'Russia' po polsku to... a) Australia b) Meksyk c) Rosja 7) 'Japan' po polsku to... a) Japonia b) Wielka Brytania c) Francja 8) 'Mexico' to po polsku... a) Australia b) Niemcy c) Meksyk 9) 'France' po polsku to... a) Rosja b) Francja c) Australia


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