1) what is the meaning of the word: telephone? a) a TV that can ring people b) a device you can speak to people who are faraway c) a device you play apps on 2) what is the meaning of the word: telegraph? a) a TV you play maths games on b) a pole with wires attached to it c) a device designed to transmit messages 3) what is the meaning of the word: telescope? a) a device you can view things that are faraway b) a device that gives you information c) a device you can view things that are close up 4) what is the meaning of the word: television? a) a pair of glasses b) you watch your favourite programmes on this c) a TV that can see what you're doing 5) what is the meaning of the word: telephoto? a) a device that can take photographs that are faraway b) a TV that can take photographs c) a device that can take close up photographs 6) what is the meaning of the word: submarine? a) an officer in the navy b) a vessel that dives underwater c) to go underwater 7) what is the meaning of the word: subway? a) a tunnel or passage underground b) a shop you buy food from c) an underground playground 8) what is the meaning of the word: subterranean? a) something that happens above ground b) something that occurs underground c) something a hamster runs around 9) what is the meaning of the word: submerge? a) to mix things together b) to be knee deep in water c) to be completely covered in water 10) what is the meaning of the word: subordinate? a) a clause that doesn't make sense b) a clause that makes sense by otself c) a clause that uses the conjunction and


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