
Inglés 7 10

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REVISION - Numbers 1-10 COUNTING Diagrama amb etiquetes
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What's the weather like?
What's the weather like? Qüestionari d'imatges
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The family - Unit 2
The family - Unit 2 Diagrama amb etiquetes
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be going to
be going to Completa la frase
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Numbers 1-15 - QUIZ
Numbers 1-15 - QUIZ Qüestionari
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Are there any... / Is there any...?
Are there any... / Is there any...? Qüestionari
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What's the weather like?
What's the weather like? Emparellar
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There are some... / There aren't any... (Super Minds 2)
There are some... / There aren't any... (Super Minds 2) Qüestionari
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I'd like to... (Super Minds 2, Unit 7)
I'd like to... (Super Minds 2, Unit 7) Desfés l'embolic
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NUMBERS 1-10 Cartes aleatòries
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Colours (Team Together Starter)
Colours (Team Together Starter) Sopa de lletres
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What's the matter? 2B
What's the matter? 2B Qüestionari
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What pets eat - CLIL Unit2
What pets eat - CLIL Unit2 Emparellar
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My town -Unit 7- Look 1
My town -Unit 7- Look 1 Emparellar
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Do you want to play...?
Do you want to play...? Desfés l'embolic
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Numbers 10-100
Numbers 10-100 Emparellar
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Vocales Emparellar
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NUMBERS 100 - 1000
NUMBERS 100 - 1000 Qüestionari de concurs
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I'M HAPPY - 2ND FORM Obre la capsa
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Modo subjuntivo
Modo subjuntivo Ruleta
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Unit 2 FCE Expert Vocabulary 2
Unit 2 FCE Expert Vocabulary 2 Persecució dins del laberint
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Verbs to nouns
Verbs to nouns Emparellar
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Present Perfect
Present Perfect Qüestionari
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questions in the past simple - elementary
questions in the past simple - elementary Desfés l'embolic
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Word Formation
Word Formation Emparellar
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Months of the year (Wordsearch)
Months of the year (Wordsearch) Sopa de lletres
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Tiempos verbales
Tiempos verbales Endreç del grup
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ORDINAL NUMBERS Troba la parella
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Routines (Present simple, Super Minds 2)
Routines (Present simple, Super Minds 2) Desfés l'embolic
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Daily routine
Daily routine Sopa de lletres
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Potencias Troba la parella
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Flyers Speaking - answering questions
Flyers Speaking - answering questions Cartes aleatòries
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Questions con Did
Questions con Did Desfés l'embolic
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Ruleta de ideas para escribir cuentos locos
Ruleta de ideas para escribir cuentos locos Ruleta
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Possessive Adjectives -KIDS 4-
Possessive Adjectives -KIDS 4- Qüestionari
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Which do you prefer? Why?
Which do you prefer? Why? Ruleta
Modals - Speaking Cards
Modals - Speaking Cards Cartes aleatòries
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Present simple and present continuous
Present simple and present continuous Cartes aleatòries
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Farm animals
Farm animals Troba la parella
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Comparative and Superlative adjectives
Comparative and Superlative adjectives Persecució dins del laberint
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Monsters - Parts of the body
Monsters - Parts of the body Veritat o mentida
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פעלים הווה
פעלים הווה Troba la parella
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Busy at home
Busy at home Persecució dins del laberint
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Present simple - review
Present simple - review Qüestionari
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Past Simple regular verbs - Negative
Past Simple regular verbs - Negative Qüestionari de concurs
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Clothes Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Present Simple in Negative
Present Simple in Negative Qüestionari
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 Hit the past participles
Hit the past participles Cop al talp
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BASKETBALL RULES! Must - Mustn't - Have to - Don't have to
BASKETBALL RULES! Must - Mustn't - Have to - Don't have to Obre la capsa
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kids 1 revision vocabulary units 1-7 part 6
kids 1 revision vocabulary units 1-7 part 6 Anagrama
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What are they wearing?
What are they wearing? Cartes aleatòries
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Daily Activities
Daily Activities Qüestionari d'imatges
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CLOTHES Qüestionari d'imatges
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INGLÉS Dóna la volta a les peces
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Daily routines
Daily routines Troba la parella
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