
6 класс

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SO E 5.1 Food Speaking
SO E 5.1 Food Speaking Cartes aleatòries
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FORM 6 Past Simple and Past Continuous
FORM 6 Past Simple and Past Continuous Completa la frase
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advice - should SO E 11.1
advice - should SO E 11.1 Cartes aleatòries
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Present Simple Passive
Present Simple Passive Desfés l'embolic
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Tag Questions1
Tag Questions1 Emparellar
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the Present Perfect and the Past Simple
the Present Perfect and the Past Simple Endreç del grup
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7 Form 7 Unit Hit the road
7 Form 7 Unit Hit the road Emparellar
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple ( part 2)
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple ( part 2) Completa la frase
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Form 6 Unit 3 Lesson 1
Form 6 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Desfés l'embolic
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Questions about life experience
Questions about life experience Cartes aleatòries
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7 Form 8 Unit
7 Form 8 Unit Emparellar
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Completa la frase
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the Present Perfect and the Past Simple
the Present Perfect and the Past Simple Completa la frase
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the Present Perfect or the Past Simple
the Present Perfect or the Past Simple Completa la frase
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There is \ There are
There is \ There are Completa la frase
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Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple
Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple Completa la frase
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ЦТ 2023 Речевой этикет Варианты 6-10 А13
ЦТ 2023 Речевой этикет Варианты 6-10 А13 Qüestionari
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Choose Present Simple Active or Present Simple Passive.
Choose Present Simple Active or Present Simple Passive. Completa la frase
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6 form (unit 8*)
6 form (unit 8*) Emparellar
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Form 7 Unit 6 TOWN AND VILLAGE Emparellar
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8 Form Unit 6 Traditional Belarus
8 Form Unit 6 Traditional Belarus Emparellar
The Present Simple of to be
The Present Simple of to be Qüestionari de concurs
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the Present Perfect and the Past Simple
the Present Perfect and the Past Simple Veritat o mentida
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Present Perfect
Present Perfect Troba la parella
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6 Form 7 Unit It’s in your hands 2
6 Form 7 Unit It’s in your hands 2 Emparellar
7 Form 6 Unit Town and Village
7 Form 6 Unit Town and Village Emparellar
The Present Simple Passive: speaking cards.
The Present Simple Passive: speaking cards. Ruleta
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7 Form 7 Unit Travelling 1 part
7 Form 7 Unit Travelling 1 part Emparellar
7 Form 7 Unit Hit the road 2 part
7 Form 7 Unit Hit the road 2 part Emparellar
There is \ There are
There is \ There are Desfés l'embolic
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the Present Perfect and the Past Simple
the Present Perfect and the Past Simple Completa la frase
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Injuries GG3
Injuries GG3 Dóna la volta a les peces
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Articles with geographical names
Articles with geographical names Troba la parella
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Yes \ no questions: auxiliary verbs
Yes \ no questions: auxiliary verbs Completa la frase
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состав числа 10
состав числа 10 Emparellar
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Ways of Expressing Future
Ways of Expressing Future Endreç del grup
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Articles with geographical names
Articles with geographical names Endreç del grup
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Daily Routine
Daily Routine Diagrama amb etiquetes
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5 Types of Questions
5 Types of Questions Desfés l'embolic
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 Учим словарные слова
Учим словарные слова Anagrama
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Present Simple Active or Passive
Present Simple Active or Passive Completa la frase
7 Form 6 unit TOWN AND VILLAGE 2
7 Form 6 unit TOWN AND VILLAGE 2 Emparellar
7 Form 6 Unit TOWN AND VILLAGE Emparellar
Form 7 Unit 6 Lesson 2
Form 7 Unit 6 Lesson 2 Targetes Flash
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Одежда Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Глаголы "Одежда"
Глаголы "Одежда" Persecució dins del laberint
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Из чего сделана одежда
Из чего сделана одежда Endreç del grup
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body parts: monster party
body parts: monster party Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Русский язык 2 класс
Русский язык 2 класс Emparellar
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Предлоги 2023
Предлоги 2023 Targetes Flash
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Form 9 Unit 1
Form 9 Unit 1 Emparellar
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Звук Р (картинки 10 пар)
Звук Р (картинки 10 пар) Emparellar
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Рефлексия Dóna la volta a les peces
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Однородные члены предложения
Однородные члены предложения Emparellar
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7 Form 8 Unit Travelling
7 Form 8 Unit Travelling Emparellar
8 Form 6 Unit Traditional Belarus 2 part
8 Form 6 Unit Traditional Belarus 2 part Emparellar
School subjects (Go Getter 2)
School subjects (Go Getter 2) Sopa de lletres
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Choose "too" or "enough"
Choose "too" or "enough" Qüestionari
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