
1 fejezet

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Academy Stars 1 A-Z cards (1)
Academy Stars 1 A-Z cards (1) Emparellar
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Viva 1 Module 1 Preguntas
Viva 1 Module 1 Preguntas Emparellar
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Academy Stars 1 A-Z cards Letters/Pictures
Academy Stars 1 A-Z cards Letters/Pictures Emparellar
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Academy Stars 1 A-Z Flashcards (pics from SB)
Academy Stars 1 A-Z Flashcards (pics from SB) Targetes Flash
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Numbers memory game 1-10
Numbers memory game 1-10 Emparellar
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Contractions Entry 1 ESOL
Contractions Entry 1 ESOL Emparellar
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¿Tienes mascotas?
¿Tienes mascotas? Emparellar
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¿Qué tipo de persona eres?
¿Qué tipo de persona eres? Emparellar
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Viva 1 Module 1 Revision Wheel
Viva 1 Module 1 Revision Wheel Ruleta
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Academy Stars 1 Unit 4.1 Feelings
Academy Stars 1 Unit 4.1 Feelings Emparellar
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Cvc reading phase 1 and 2
Cvc reading phase 1 and 2 Avió
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Question Words
Question Words Completa la frase
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Clothes Qüestionari
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Numbers 1-10
Numbers 1-10 Cartes aleatòries
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Food containers
Food containers Emparellar
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Clothes Diagrama amb etiquetes
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o'clock / half past / quarter past /quarter to
o'clock / half past / quarter past /quarter to Qüestionari
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Rooms in a house
Rooms in a house Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Academy Stars 1 Unit 2 He / She / It
Academy Stars 1 Unit 2 He / She / It Qüestionari
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Reading Summative Assessment Entry 1
Reading Summative Assessment Entry 1 Qüestionari
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Формы глагола пить и есть
Формы глагола пить и есть Anagrama
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Classroom objects (Pre-Entry and Entry 1 ESOL)
Classroom objects (Pre-Entry and Entry 1 ESOL) Dóna la volta a les peces
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Festivals and celebrations
Festivals and celebrations Emparellar
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Level 1 - Indirect questions
Level 1 - Indirect questions Desfés l'embolic
FSE L1/L2 Expressing Opinions
FSE L1/L2 Expressing Opinions Desfés l'embolic
What can you do?
What can you do? Ruleta
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Do you like?
Do you like? Ruleta
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parts of the body quiz
parts of the body quiz Qüestionari
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L1 Formal Informal Language Match
L1 Formal Informal Language Match Emparellar
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans ta ville?
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans ta ville? Emparellar
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Apostrophe: contraction or possession?
Apostrophe: contraction or possession? Endreç del grup
Personal information
Personal information Emparellar
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a or an
a or an Veritat o mentida
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Greetings and responses in English
Greetings and responses in English Emparellar
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Months of the year.
Months of the year. Anagrama
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Uned 1 MYNEDIAD Qüestionari
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English alphabet
English alphabet Emparellar
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Prepostions of place
Prepostions of place Qüestionari
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Hobbies and free time
Hobbies and free time Ruleta
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Group sort1 prefixes
Group sort1 prefixes Endreç del grup
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Days of the week
Days of the week Anagrama
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Order of days of the week
Order of days of the week Ordre de classificació
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L1 Effective Communication LO1:1
L1 Effective Communication LO1:1 Completa la frase
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 YCT 2 Lesson 1
YCT 2 Lesson 1 Qüestionari
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Modes of transport
Modes of transport Emparellar
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Antonyms / Opposites No 1 - Entry 3 Level 1 English
Antonyms / Opposites No 1 - Entry 3 Level 1 English Troba la parella
Food likes and dislikes.
Food likes and dislikes. Desfés l'embolic
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Question Words
Question Words Emparellar
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Time Emparellar
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Phase 1 rhyming words
Phase 1 rhyming words Endreç del grup
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Parts of the body
Parts of the body Diagrama amb etiquetes
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There is/there are
There is/there are Completa la frase
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Types of Text
Types of Text Emparellar
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1.1 Organisation of DNA (Higher Bio)
1.1 Organisation of DNA (Higher Bio) Cop al talp
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Language Features
Language Features Targetes Flash
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Shopping sentences - Present continuous
Shopping sentences - Present continuous Desfés l'embolic
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There is/ there are- My college
There is/ there are- My college Ruleta
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1.1 Structure of DNA (Higher Bio)
1.1 Structure of DNA (Higher Bio) Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Functional Skills Writing Prompts
Functional Skills Writing Prompts Ruleta
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Organisational (Layout) Features
Organisational (Layout) Features Diagrama amb etiquetes
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