
Key Stage 1 Polish language na podstawie ćwiczeń m pawlusiewicz kl3

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Przymiotniki na podstawie ćwiczeń Z uśmiechem i słońcem
Przymiotniki na podstawie ćwiczeń Z uśmiechem i słońcem Qüestionari
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Czasowniki 1.00
Czasowniki 1.00 Cop al talp
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Znaki przestankowe
Znaki przestankowe Desfés l'embolic
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Znaki przestankowe
Znaki przestankowe Emparellar
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Rozwijanie zdań
Rozwijanie zdań Ruleta
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 Rzeczownik 1,0
Rzeczownik 1,0 Cop al talp
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Rzeczownik 1.1
Rzeczownik 1.1 Qüestionari
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Litery, głoski, sylaby
Litery, głoski, sylaby Emparellar
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English Language
English Language Ruleta
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Rzeczowniki grupowanie
Rzeczowniki grupowanie Endreç del grup
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language match up
language match up Emparellar
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Rímeanna Emparellar
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Structural Devices
Structural Devices Emparellar
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Relative Clauses
Relative Clauses Qüestionari
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Relative Clauses Unjumble
Relative Clauses Unjumble Desfés l'embolic
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Entry 1 group discussion language
Entry 1 group discussion language Endreç del grup
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Present Continuous
Present Continuous Qüestionari
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Prepositions of time - At / On / In
Prepositions of time - At / On / In Endreç del grup
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Indefinite pronouns Quiz
Indefinite pronouns Quiz Qüestionari
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Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
Present Perfect Continuous Quiz Qüestionari
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Some & Any
Some & Any Qüestionari
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Wyglad Emparellar
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Past Simple & Past Continuous - Quiz
Past Simple & Past Continuous - Quiz Qüestionari
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Present Simple & Continuous Speaking Practice
Present Simple & Continuous Speaking Practice Ruleta
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PASSIVE VOICE Cartes aleatòries
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Active or Passive Voice?
Active or Passive Voice? Qüestionari
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Language and structure
Language and structure Endreç del grup
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EC unit 13 - m/oo/n or b/ook/
EC unit 13 - m/oo/n or b/ook/ Endreç del grup
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Kolory/ Colours (what are they in polish?)
Kolory/ Colours (what are they in polish?) Ruleta
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Boastful language - adjective sort
Boastful language - adjective sort Categoritzar
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14b Wild animals (from Racing to English)
14b Wild animals (from Racing to English) Emparellar
per en/la
07e Living room (from Racing to English)
07e Living room (from Racing to English) Emparellar
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Odszyfruj ukryte problemy
Odszyfruj ukryte problemy Desfés l'embolic
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figurative language
figurative language Qüestionari
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Language Techniques
Language Techniques Emparellar
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Language Features
Language Features Sopa de lletres
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Language Features
Language Features Emparellar
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Language Features
Language Features Targetes Flash
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Food Groups KS1
Food Groups KS1 Endreç del grup
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Language features match up
Language features match up Emparellar
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Can/Can't Qüestionari
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Christmas word search
Christmas word search Sopa de lletres
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The Gruffalo quiz
The Gruffalo quiz Qüestionari
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language devices match up
language devices match up Emparellar
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Memory Game
Memory Game Veure i memoritzar
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Months Sopa de lletres
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UR, IR, EAR, ER Endreç del grup
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emotion pairs elsa minions
emotion pairs elsa minions Emparellar
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emotions basic
emotions basic Troba la parella
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Days of the Week
Days of the Week Ruleta
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House elem
House elem Diagrama amb etiquetes
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NUMBERS 0-100 Emparellar
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WIGILIA- UŁÓŻ W KOLEJNOŚCI Ordre de classificació
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Zawody Sopa de lletres
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Relative Clauses Quiz
Relative Clauses Quiz Qüestionari
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Relative Clauses Speaking
Relative Clauses Speaking Cartes aleatòries
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