
Key Stage 2 Mathematics Measurement

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Measurement with rulers, millimetres and decimals
Measurement with rulers, millimetres and decimals Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Units of measurements (with decimals)
Units of measurements (with decimals) Veritat o mentida
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mm cm m conversions
mm cm m conversions Troba la parella
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Metric Measurements Quiz
Metric Measurements Quiz Qüestionari
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Appropriate units of measurement.
Appropriate units of measurement. Endreç del grup
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Converting measures (km m cm mm L ml g kg)
Converting measures (km m cm mm L ml g kg) Qüestionari
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Whack the correct measurements
Whack the correct measurements Cop al talp
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Telling the time with clock faces
Telling the time with clock faces Esclat de globus
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Units of measurement
Units of measurement Emparellar
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Find the time against the clock - 12 and 24 hour time
Find the time against the clock - 12 and 24 hour time Troba la parella
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Simple measurement with ruler
Simple measurement with ruler Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Measurement word problem quiz
Measurement word problem quiz Qüestionari
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12 hour 24 hour times
12 hour 24 hour times Endreç del grup
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Telling the time
Telling the time Emparellar
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Mental maths quiz - mixed
Mental maths quiz - mixed Qüestionari
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Sort the Clocks (Quarter Hours)
Sort the Clocks (Quarter Hours) Endreç del grup
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convert cm and mm
convert cm and mm Troba la parella
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Optical illusions
Optical illusions Qüestionari
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Probability Gr 1&2
Probability Gr 1&2 Troba la parella
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Match up fractions to decimals
Match up fractions to decimals Emparellar
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Rounding Qüestionari
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Three digit number
Three digit number Ruleta
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length and height
length and height Qüestionari
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what is the time? updated
what is the time? updated Qüestionari
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Multiplying Decimals
Multiplying Decimals Troba la parella
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Match-Up Angles
Match-Up Angles Emparellar
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Quadrilateral sort
Quadrilateral sort Endreç del grup
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1-50 Bingo
1-50 Bingo Ruleta
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Compass 8 points
Compass 8 points Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Place value ten thousands
Place value ten thousands Troba la parella
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Group sort Addition and Subtraction Vocabulary
Group sort Addition and Subtraction Vocabulary Endreç del grup
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Match Up fractions to percentages
Match Up fractions to percentages Emparellar
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Match up1 capacity and measure
Match up1 capacity and measure Emparellar
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Dates Emparellar
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2 x Times Table
2 x Times Table Qüestionari
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Capacity Quiz
Capacity Quiz Qüestionari
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7 times table quiz
7 times table quiz Qüestionari
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Which is the equivalent fraction?
Which is the equivalent fraction? Qüestionari
Fractions that are equivalent to 1/2
Fractions that are equivalent to 1/2 Cop al talp
Quadrilaterals Cop al talp
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Angles Quiz
Angles Quiz Qüestionari
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3 times tables quiz
3 times tables quiz Qüestionari
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Addition match up
Addition match up Emparellar
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Probability Gr 3
Probability Gr 3 Endreç del grup
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4 compass points
4 compass points Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Bar Chart Labelling
Bar Chart Labelling Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Place Value - Value of digits
Place Value - Value of digits Qüestionari
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equivalent fractions
equivalent fractions Endreç del grup
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find fractions of amounts
find fractions of amounts Emparellar
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Perimeter 2
Perimeter 2 Qüestionari
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Algebra match up
Algebra match up Emparellar
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Estimating length match up game
Estimating length match up game Emparellar
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7 times table
7 times table Emparellar
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Roman numerals
Roman numerals Troba la parella
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