
7. osztály Ének-zene

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10.000+ resultats de/d' '7 osztály ének zene'

Párosítsd össze az ének szólamokat!
Párosítsd össze az ének szólamokat! Troba la parella
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Alany-állítmány-tárgy Qüestionari
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Figyelem Qüestionari
Mondatelemzés kvíz 7. osztály
Mondatelemzés kvíz 7. osztály Qüestionari
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Past Simple vs. Present Perfect
Past Simple vs. Present Perfect Categoritzar
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A határozók kifejezőeszközei
A határozók kifejezőeszközei Endreç del grup
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Az ok- és célhatározó
Az ok- és célhatározó Endreç del grup
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Gemischte Adjektivdeklination
Gemischte Adjektivdeklination Qüestionari
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A -val/-vel rag hasonulása
A -val/-vel rag hasonulása Endreç del grup
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A cápa (Gondolkodj és írj!)
A cápa (Gondolkodj és írj!) Desfés l'embolic
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Memóriajáték szinonimákkal
Memóriajáték szinonimákkal Emparellar
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Viszonyszók Endreç del grup
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Find 10 Past Simple verbs.
Find 10 Past Simple verbs. Sopa de lletres
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Put the words in order to form Past Simple questions.
Put the words in order to form Past Simple questions. Desfés l'embolic
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A tigris (Gondolkodj és írj!)
A tigris (Gondolkodj és írj!) Desfés l'embolic
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Zenetörténeti ismétlés
Zenetörténeti ismétlés Emparellar
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What did they do yesterday?
What did they do yesterday? Cartes aleatòries
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Beantworte die Fragen! ... als Kind... Modalverben Präteritum
Beantworte die Fragen! ... als Kind... Modalverben Präteritum Cartes aleatòries
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Past Simple_Irregular verbs
Past Simple_Irregular verbs Cartes aleatòries
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Going to (speaking practice)
Going to (speaking practice) Cartes aleatòries
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Food riddle
Food riddle Targetes Flash
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First Conditional - sentences
First Conditional - sentences Completa la frase
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Comparative adjectives
Comparative adjectives Endreç del grup
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Put the words in order to make sentences.
Put the words in order to make sentences. Desfés l'embolic
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Famous Hungarian Christmas food
Famous Hungarian Christmas food Troba la parella
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Make sentences.
Make sentences. Desfés l'embolic
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Put the verbs into the correct categories.
Put the verbs into the correct categories. Endreç del grup
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Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.
Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. Qüestionari
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How much do you know about Xmas?
How much do you know about Xmas? Qüestionari de concurs
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Match the pictures with the categories.
Match the pictures with the categories. Endreç del grup
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Ask questions. Use was or were.
Ask questions. Use was or were. Cartes aleatòries
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Make Present Simple sentences about the pictures.
Make Present Simple sentences about the pictures. Cartes aleatòries
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Match the pictures with the words.
Match the pictures with the words. Troba la parella
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Make questions, negative and affirmative sentences.
Make questions, negative and affirmative sentences. Imants de paraules
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Answer my questions.
Answer my questions. Ruleta
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Make true statements in Present Continuous.
Make true statements in Present Continuous. Cartes aleatòries
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Answer the questions. (Past Simple)
Answer the questions. (Past Simple) Cartes aleatòries
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Ordering a food.
Ordering a food. Ordre de classificació
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Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Desfés l'embolic
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Make a Past Simple sentence.
Make a Past Simple sentence. Cartes aleatòries
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Wechselpräpositionen mit Dativ
Wechselpräpositionen mit Dativ Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Verben mit Präpositionen
Verben mit Präpositionen Qüestionari
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Unscrambe the daily routines.
Unscrambe the daily routines. Anagrama
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Easter Quiz: How much do you know about Easter?
Easter Quiz: How much do you know about Easter? Qüestionari
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What's the weather like?
What's the weather like? Reendreçar
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Oldatok Endreç del grup
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Liszt Ferenc
Liszt Ferenc Cop al talp
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Put the words in order to make questions.
Put the words in order to make questions. Desfés l'embolic
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Was/were Endreç del grup
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Find the countries in the World map.
Find the countries in the World map. Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Put the letters in order to form Past Simple verbs.
Put the letters in order to form Past Simple verbs. Anagrama
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Adjektivdeklination-Anfang Qüestionari
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Choose the correct WH-question word in each sentence.
Choose the correct WH-question word in each sentence. Emparellar
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What clothes are they wearing?
What clothes are they wearing? Anagrama
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Present Perfect or Past Simple?
Present Perfect or Past Simple? Endreç del grup
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Dürfen Desfés l'embolic
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Erkel Ferenc: Hunyadi László
Erkel Ferenc: Hunyadi László Cop al talp
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Bánk bán
Bánk bán Cop al talp
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Liszt Ferenc és a zongora
Liszt Ferenc és a zongora Qüestionari
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Wechselpräpositionen mit Dativ - Casagrande
Wechselpräpositionen mit Dativ - Casagrande Diagrama amb etiquetes
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