
6 клас Іноземні мови

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Smart Junior 4 Module 6 Our world
Smart Junior 4 Module 6 Our world Completa la frase
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vocabulary focus 2 unit 6
vocabulary focus 2 unit 6 Cartes aleatòries
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Особові займенники, англійська, непрямі відмінки
Особові займенники, англійська, непрямі відмінки Troba la parella
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Prepare 5 NUS unit 7 Present Simple
Prepare 5 NUS unit 7 Present Simple Completa la frase
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Prepare 5 NUS unit 8
Prepare 5 NUS unit 8 Emparellar
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Smart Junior 4 Unit 4
Smart Junior 4 Unit 4 Emparellar
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Go getter 3 unit 1.1
Go getter 3 unit 1.1 Emparellar
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Go getter 3. Unit 1. Get culture
Go getter 3. Unit 1. Get culture Endreç del grup
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Les terminaisons des nationalités
Les terminaisons des nationalités Endreç del grup
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Have\has by Polina
Have\has by Polina Qüestionari
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Countable\uncountable nouns
Countable\uncountable nouns Qüestionari
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Go Getter 1 Unit 5
Go Getter 1 Unit 5 Emparellar
Go Getter 1 (Unit 7)
Go Getter 1 (Unit 7) Emparellar
GG3 Unit 0 Lesson 0.1
GG3 Unit 0 Lesson 0.1 Emparellar
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Solutions elementary/ Unit 1/ Family
Solutions elementary/ Unit 1/ Family Emparellar
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Gateway A1+ Unit 7
Gateway A1+ Unit 7 Qüestionari
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F&F3 Unit 6 grammar
F&F3 Unit 6 grammar Qüestionari
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SJ 3 Mod 6  some any
SJ 3 Mod 6 some any Completa la frase
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smart junior 4 unit 6
smart junior 4 unit 6 Emparellar
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F&F1 Unit 6 Possessive 's
F&F1 Unit 6 Possessive 's Qüestionari
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 My Day
My Day Anagrama
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His/her... Qüestionari
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Can, can't Roadmap A2
Can, can't Roadmap A2 Cartes aleatòries
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Personality (the opposites)
Personality (the opposites) Emparellar
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Questions Present Simple (Grammar lesson)
Questions Present Simple (Grammar lesson) Ruleta
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Present Simple. Questions
Present Simple. Questions Cartes aleatòries
Prepare 6 Ukrainian Edition Unit 04 It was Awesome! Game 1
Prepare 6 Ukrainian Edition Unit 04 It was Awesome! Game 1 Completa la frase
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Prepare 6 Ukrainian Edition Unit 05 Moments in History Game 1
Prepare 6 Ukrainian Edition Unit 05 Moments in History Game 1 Qüestionari
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irregular verbs (1-1-1, -ept, -elt)
irregular verbs (1-1-1, -ept, -elt) Qüestionari
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Verbs and verb phrases about the body
Verbs and verb phrases about the body Troba la parella
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This is/ that is, these are/ those are
This is/ that is, these are/ those are Qüestionari
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fruits & vegetables
fruits & vegetables Troba la parella
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Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 1. The verb "to be"
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 1. The verb "to be" Endreç del grup
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Environment Endreç del grup
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Things you wear
Things you wear Endreç del grup
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On Screen 1 Unit 1 English Elementary to be possessive pronouns
On Screen 1 Unit 1 English Elementary to be possessive pronouns Qüestionari
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 inside, outside, above, below, near
inside, outside, above, below, near Qüestionari
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Schmerzen. weh tun
Schmerzen. weh tun Emparellar
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Modul 6 (brauchen)
Modul 6 (brauchen) Emparellar
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About myself
About myself Qüestionari
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BOOKS Emparellar
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Smart Junior Unit 2 - Vocabulary
Smart Junior Unit 2 - Vocabulary Troba la parella
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Phrasal verbs. Communication Technologies
Phrasal verbs. Communication Technologies Emparellar
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NM2 U6 words QUIZ1
NM2 U6 words QUIZ1 Qüestionari
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Fly High 2. Lessons  13- 14
Fly High 2. Lessons 13- 14 Qüestionari
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Smart Junior 2. Revision 1
Smart Junior 2. Revision 1 Qüestionari
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What is he/she wearing?
What is he/she wearing? Cartes aleatòries
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F and F 2 Unit 6 reading
F and F 2 Unit 6 reading Completa la frase
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Do/does Qüestionari
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FF 4 Irregular verbs  keep-see
FF 4 Irregular verbs keep-see Qüestionari
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Unit 6 F&F2
Unit 6 F&F2 Emparellar
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Quick minds 2 unit 6 lesson 4
Quick minds 2 unit 6 lesson 4 Desfés l'embolic
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Present Continuous. Future Simple. Going to.
Present Continuous. Future Simple. Going to. Ruleta
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Los posesivos
Los posesivos Completa la frase
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Present Simple
Present Simple Veritat o mentida
Materials Endreç del grup
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Present Continuous
Present Continuous Completa la frase
smart junior 4 unit 6 Comparatives
smart junior 4 unit 6 Comparatives Qüestionari
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Plural nouns
Plural nouns Completa la frase
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