1) There's ............... bread in the kitchen. a) some b) any c) many d) much e) a lot 2) How _________ bread is there? a) some b) any c) many d) much e) a lot 3) There's ____________ of bread. a) any b) many c) much d) a lot 4) We can make __________ sandwiches. a) some b) many c) any d) much e) a lot of 5) Is there _______ butter? a) some b) many c) any 6) We can't make __________ sandwiches .  a) some b) any c) much 7) How ________ bags of tea are there? a) much b) many c) any d) some 8) We have got ________ bags. a) many b) much c) some d) a lot of e) any 9) Do you need ________ money? a) some b) a lot of c) any d) many 10) I haven't got ________ time. a) some b) a lot of c) many d) much

Countable vs uncountable: Some, any, many, much, a lot of

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