Are you going to ... some shopping after class? - Are you going to DO some shopping after class?, Did you ... someone a favour last weekend? - Did you DO someone a favour last weekend?, Are you good at ... people laugh? - Are you good at MAKING people laugh?, Do you usually ... the washing-up? - Do you usually DO the washing-up?, Have you ... any exercise this week? - Have you DONE any exercise this week?, Do you ever have to ... excuses for being late? - Do you ever have to MAKE excuses for being late?, Are you ... another course at the moment? - Are you DOING another course at the moment?, Have you ... any new friends this year? - Have you MADE any new friends this year?, Do you like ... nothing at the weekend? - Do you like DOING nothing at the weekend?, Do you usually have to ... dinner for other people? - Do you usually have to MAKE dinner for other people?,

make and do

per en/la

Tauler de classificació

Dóna la volta a les peces és una plantilla de final obert. No genera puntuacions per a una taula de classificació.

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Canvia de fonament

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