tystiolaeth - evidence, tystiolaethau - evidences, blinder - fatigue, weariness, trouble, blinderau - troubles, cerflun - statue, cerfluniau - statues, crud - cradle, crudau - cradles, gofyniad - requirement, gofyniadau - requirements, gwirionedd - truth, gwrioneddau - truths, milgi - greyhound, milgwn - greyhounds, ailgartrefu - to rehouse, amddiffyn (rhag) - to protect, to defend, dyblu - to double, hela - to hunt, meiddio - to dare, mwytho - to pet, to fondle, to pamper, darpar - prospective, expectant neu to be, delfrydol - ideal, ffyddlon - faithful, bod â meddwl mawr o rywun - to hold someone in high regard, wrth reswm - it stands to reason, y math yna o beth - that kind of thing,

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