1) What’s your name? How do you spell it? Where do you live? What’s your phone number? What’s your email address? 2) What do (or did) you study? Is (or was) it: – interesting? – difficult? What will you do (or did you do) after finishing your studies? 3) Do you enjoy shopping? How often do you go shopping? Do you go shopping alone or with friends? What sort of things do you usually buy? 4) What’s the weather like today? Which is your favorite season? What is the weather like then? What weather makes you feel happy/sad/etc? 5) Have you ever been abroad? Where have you been? Have you stayed at a hotel? 6) Tell me something you like to do with your friends. Tell me something interesting/sad/funny your friend has told you recently. 7) Where should I go if I have the flu? What are some home remedies for simple health problems? Do you like traditional medicine? 8) Why do you want to study English? Which other language would you study if you hadn't chosen English? 9) What will you do on your next vacation if Coronavirus is over? 10) How many people are there in your family? Tell me about your parents/siblings/children. What are their names, ages, etc? 11) What do you think your friends are doing now? 12) Tell me about a book you’ve read recently, either in English or in your own language 13) Tell me one thing you could do well in the past, and 1 thing you can do well now. 14) Tell me about your best friend. What is he or she like? 15) What advice would you give to someone visiting your country/town? 16) What do you think the main news stories are in the UK or America at the moment. 17) If you had been born in the UK or America, how would your life up to now have been different? 18) Why do people choose to live in cities? What are the (dis)advantages of city life, compared to living in the countryside? Which do/would you prefer? compared to living in the countryside? Which do/would you prefer? 19) Do you like to travel? Why (not)? What place would you most like to visit? Why? What’s your (least) favorite way to travel? Does travel really "broaden the mind"? 20) Do you usually eat healthy meals? What are some of your favorite food? Do you like eating out (e.g. restaurants)? Why (not)? Do you like cooking?

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