1) He ran ____ the road and ___ the park. a) opposite b) across c) into d) onto 2) I'm very interested ____ painting, but I'm not very good ____ it. a) in b) on c) for d) at 3) Don't worry ____ the bill - I'll pay ___ everything. a) about b) on c) to d) for 4) The train went ____ the bridge and ____ the church.  a) under b) through c) past d) along 5) The receptionist asked ___ me if I was waiting ___ a taxi. a) --- b) to c) for d) about 6) My sons are very different ___ each other, but they never argue ____ anything. a) from b) of c) about d) with 7) She came ___ the bank and walked ___ the supermarket. a) out b) out of c) along d) towards 8) You shouldn't be angry ___ him. He isn't responsible _____ what happened. a) at b) with c) for d) to 9) The cycle path goes ___ the river and ____ the car park. a) over b) up c) round d) through 10) She's married ____ a Frenchman and they both keen ___ cooking. a) to b) with c) on d) for 11) I'm tired ___ applying ___ jobs - I never get an interview. a) with b) of c) for d) to 12) They sat ____ a bench ___ a tree. a) in b) on c) under d) down 13) He was very rude___ me - I don't know what he was angry ____. a) with b) to c) about d) from 14) I'm still ___ the bus, but we are nearly ___ the bus stop. a) on b) into c) in d) at 15) The professor talked ____ his research and then we discussed ____ our own work. a) about b) around c) ---- d) of

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