A very small extremely fast storage device that is found inside the CPU. - What is a register?, An embedded system is a computer implemented as part of a larger system. The embedded system is typically designed around a limited set of specific functions in relation to the larger product of which it's a component. Examples of embedded systems include network-attached printers, smart TVs and washing machines - What is an embedded system?, As an embedded system is usually built to perform one role, it is easier to produce. It is also cheaper and generally more effective at doing the specialised roles that it is designed to do, compared to a general purpose machine that has potential to carry-out thousands of roles. - What advantages do embedded systems have over general purpose computers?, Control Unit, Arithmetic Logic Unit and Cache - What are the three main parts of a CPU?, Holds the address of the next instruction to be fetched - What does the program counter do?, It manages the flow of data within the CPU to and from memory and decodes the instructions to ensure the correct actions are carried out depending on the instructions it has fetched. - What is the main job of the Control Unit?, It carries out mathematical and logical processing. - What is the role of the Arithmetic Logic Unit?, It is high speed memory that stores recently and commonly used instructions, meaning the fetch cycle may not have to access the slower RAM. - What is cache?, data and instructions - What two things does the memory hold?, The Von-Neumann architecture stores the data and instructions in the same RAM. It has only has one control unit and one system bus, even if it has multiple cores. This creates a bottle neck. The Harvard architecture has two blocks of RAM both are accessible at the same time. Hence it can collect instructions an data at the same time. - What is the difference between Von-Neumann and the Harvard architecture?, The program counter value is copied to the memory address register. The control unit allows the contents of RAM at the address held in the MAR to have access to the data bus. The MDR now receives this data from the data bus. The program counter is incremented by one. - Describe the processes involved in fetching an instruction?, The instruction in the MDR is decoded by the Control unit. It then responds by placing the relevant codes in the required places i.e. the MAR (for reading) MDR (for writing). - Describe the processes involved in decoding an instruction?, It could mean writing to memory with the contents stored on the MDR at a given location in memory pointed to by the MAR. It could be copying the values into the ALU to add two numbers etc. - Describe the processes involved in executing the instruction?, The accumulator - Which CPU register is the only one that has access to input devices?, memory address register [MAR]; memory data register [MDR]; Accumulator [ACC]; Current Instruction Register [CIR]; Program Counter [PC] - Name some of the registers found inside the CPU.e,

1.1 [Systems Architecture]

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