cute - söpö, cuter - söpömpi, the cutest - söpöin, funny - hassu, funnier - hassumpi, the funniest - hassuin, mean - ilkeä, meaner - ilkeämpi, the meanest - ilkein, thin - hoikka, thinner - hoikempi, the thinnest - hoikin, brave - rohkea, braver - rohkeampi, the bravest - rohkein, naughty - tuhma, naughtier - tuhmempi, the naughtiest - tuhmin, wild - villi, wilder - villimpi, the wildest - villein, fat - lihava, fatter - lihavampi, the fattest - lihavin, curly - kihara, curlier - kiharampi, the curliest - kiharin, pale - kalpea, paler - kalpeampi, the palest - kalpein,

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