What do you like to be called by friends? What are you called by your family?, Has your English ability been tested lately? How was it tested?, Are teenagers given too much freedom these days? Do they need to be controlled?, What have you been given recently?, Name a disgusting meal you've been prepared but ate anyway. , Name something important that needs to be done but has been put off. , Name the last time you were asked to do somebody a favour., Talk about a moment when you were helped by someone. How did they help you?, Were you complimented by someone recently? Who were you complimented by and what did they say to you? , How are you treated by the other students at ILSC or by your coworkers? , When you were a child, did you use to be punished a lot? What did you do that got you in trouble?, Which jobs in your country do you think are a) not paid enough, or b) paid too much?, Are you often asked to show your ID? When was the last time?, How do you feel about being corrected when you are speaking English?.

EC I4 M1 8A Passive Questions

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