1) is your Where sister? a) your is sister where? b) Where is your sister? c) Sister is where your? 2) favourite is my colour Red. a) Red is my favourite colour. b) Colour is red my favourite. c) Red is favourite colour my. 3) Very cold is night at It. a) very night at cold is it. b) Cold at night is very it. c) It is very cold at night. 4) Cannot dance Nina sing can but. a) Nina can sing but cannot dance. b) dance can sing Nina but cannot. c) Nina can but dance sing cannot. 5) Should we everyone respect. a) Everyone respect we should. b) We should respect everyone. c) Respect everyone should we. 6) Organised and clean class our is. a) Our class is organised and clean. b) Clean our class organised is and. c) And class organised clean is our. 7) Colouring a Reena is picture. a) Picture is colouring Reena a. b) Reena is colouring a picture. c) Reena a is colouring picture. 8) Need help for your do cleaning room you? a) You room cleaning need help your for do? b) Do your cleaning help need you room for? c) Do you need help for cleaning your room? 9) has many toys Lisa. a) Lisa many toys has. b) Lisa has many toys. c) Many toys has Lisa. 10) They house big a in the have city. a) They have a big house in the city. b) City have a big house in the they. c) Big house a in the have city they. 11) Play will you me with? a) Will you with play me? b) With you play will me? c) Will you play with me? 12) At the look peacocks! a) Peacocks look at the! b) Look at the peacocks! c) The peacocks at look!

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