1) The exit is over __________. a) their b) they're c) there 2) Please bring __________ books to class tomorrow. a) your b) you're c) youre 3) __________ going to the park on Saturday. a) We're b) Were 4) Please put the sandwiches __________ the door. a) by b) bye c) buy 5) __________ reading a book before bedtime. a) There b) Their c) They're 6) I need to __________ what the teacher is saying. a) hear b) here 7) Please come back __________ and put __________ shoes away. a) here, your b) hear, your c) here, you're d) hear, you're 8) He wanted __________ go, but there __________ __________ many people at the party. a) two, were, to b) too, we're, to c) to, were, too 9) We called an Uber and __________ on __________ way. a) their, there b) they're, there c) there, they're d) they're, their 10) It has been __________ long since we had a vacation __________ the beach. a) to, too b) too, to c) to, two d) two, to 11) We returned __________ camping equipment yesterday. a) they're b) their c) there 12) __________ not __________ to go to school because of COVID-19. a) Were, aloud b) We're, allowed c) Were, allowed d) We're, aloud 13) Do you know __________ going to the party tonight? a) who's b) whose 14) __________ idea was it to eat dinner here? The service is terrible. a) Who's b) Whose 15) __________ yellow car is parked in front of the house? a) Who's b) Whose 16) Kyle, __________ going to New York in the fall, loves architecture. a) who's b) whose 17) I'd rather mow the grass __________ clean out the gutter. a) than b) then 18) After Kyle's speech, there wasn't __________ much __________ say on the matter. a) to, too b) too, to c) too, two 19) On Saturday's, I mow the grass, __________ I clean out the gutters. a) than b) then 20) That shirt really __________ your eyes. a) compliments b) complements 21) After reading that book on advertising, __________ incredible to see how much the industry has changed __________ methods and how far __________ come. a) it's, its, it's b) its, it's, its c) it's, its, its 22) As a couple, Ron and Jenny's personalities __________ each other well. a) compliment b) complement 23) I miss being a kid. Things were much easier __________ they are now. a) than b) then 24) If you stay up late, __________ you won't wake up in time for school. a) than b) then 25) A simple __________ can be the best part of a person's day. a) compliment b) complement 26) Even if __________ raining, __________ still going to play in the soccer game. a) its, were b) it's, we're c) its, we're 27) He was a man of  __________ and good to his word. a) principal b) principle 28) The __________ of the high school is retiring this year. a) principal b) principle 29) These weather conditions will __________ the number of people who will come to the county fair. a) affect b) effect 30) The prescribed medication had an __________ on the patient's symptoms. a) affect b) effect 31) My right foot is bigger __________ my left foot a) than b) then 32) The Austin Powers movies often make __________ to the James Bond films. a) allusions b) illusions 33) The magician created the __________ that he was levitating. a) allusion b) illusion 34) The dogs death __________ his owners. a) affected b) effected 35) I __________ all of my birthday gifts with gratitude. a) accepted b) excepted 36) When Susan travels, she packs everything __________ the kitchen sink. a) accept b) except 37) Desperate to sell the house, the owner __________ the couple's very low offer. a) accepted b) excepted 38) Everyone __________ Matthew is required to participate in tomorrow's seminar. a) accept b) except 39) The __________ of the tornado was devastating. a) affect b) effect 40) The common side __________ of antibiotics __________ the digestive system. a) effects, affect b) affects, effect c) effects, effect 41) The medicine will __________ your eyesight for a least an hour. a) effect b) affect

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