1) I _______yoghurt______soda. a) prefer/to b) would rather/than 2) Ayşe______(prefer) eating mc Donald's_____eating Burger King. a) prefering/to b) prefers/to c) would rather/than 3) I prefer hot chocolate_____tea. a) to b) than 4) Peter______(prefer) bread ____ pancakes. a) prefers/to b) prefer/to c) prefering/than 5) I_______(prefer) living in the countryside_____ living in the beach. a) prefer/than b) prefer/to c) would rather/than d) would rather/to 6) They prefer______(live) in villa to______(live) in a flat. a) lives/lives b) living/lives c) live/live d) living/living 7) Arthur_______________________ a) prefers singing song to listening to music. b) prefer sing song to listen to music. c) prefers sing song to listen to music. d) prefers listening to music to singing song. 8) My best friend would rather ______(dance) than______(listen) to music. a) dancing/listening b) dances/listens c) dance/listen d) dance/listening 9) Katy_____________________ a) prefer eating fish to eating chicken b) prefers eat fish to eat chicken c) prefers eating fish to eating chicken  d) prefer eat fish to eat chicken 10) Arthur_______________________ a) prefers singing song to listening to music. b) prefer sing song to listen to music. c) prefers sing song to listen to music. d) prefers listening to music to singing song. 11) Nida prefers_______(travel) by train to_______(travel) by car. a) travel/travel b) travels/travels c) traveling/traveling 12) My father____________________ a) prefer washing the dishes to washing his car. b) prefers washing his car to washing the dishes. c) would rather washing his car than washing the dishes. 13) I____________________ a) would rather eat an ice cream than have a milkshake. b) would rather have a milkshake than eat an ice cream. c) prefers having a milkshake to eating an ice cream. d) prefer have a milkshake to eat an ice cream. 14) Sandra_______________________ a) prefers skiing than playing tennis. b) would rather skiing than playing tennis. c) prefers skiing to playing tennis. 15) I prefer__________ pop music to rock music. a) listen b) listens c) listening 16) Belinda_______________ a) prefers summer to winter. b) prefer summer to winter. c) would rather summer than winter. d) would rather winter than summer. 17) I don't like mountains anymore.I would rather________the beach. a) goes to b) goining to c) go to d) went to 18) Deniz________(prefer) Italian food____French food. a) prefering/to b) prefers/than c) would rather/to d) prefers/to

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