hexahedron - _____________ is a solid figure with six plane faces., line segment - _______________ is one of the basic terms you learn in Geometry., volcano - Olympus Mons is an enormous ____________ in planet Mars., eruption - The heat eventually escaped through radiation and volcanic ________________., circulatory - The _______________ system is made up of blood vessels that carry blood away from and towards the heart., investigate - The police will _______________ on the tragic accident that happened yesterday., endangered species - Number of ________________________ will increase if we will not protect them from poachers., monitored - The cases of Covid-19 are being _______________ by the Ministry of Health., vertical - ______________ lines can be found everywhere., destroyed - Some of the building were _________________ because they are old and risky., defiance - He answered the accusations with a great _____________., astronauts - ________________ take a long time to recover after they come back to Earth., allowance - He was given a big amount of _______________ for his reach out program., exploration - Mars ________________ is one the greatest achievements of UAE., perceive - Physicians ___________ that pain tolerance has something to do with genes of a person., gradually - The number of Covid cases is ______________ decreasing after the vaccination drive., compliance - Aaron submitted his project even if it is not yet done for the sake of __________________., gazed - She realized something after she __________ at the stars., lingered - Her childhood dream ____________ in her mind for quite a long time., impulses - Different kinds of nerve send _____________ to our brain,


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