He / eat pizza, Mary and Tom /read, Jane / play , Mindy / sing, the baby/ sleep, my little brother / cry, Mrs Brown/ ride a bike, Tim/ sit, the children/study Chinese, the boys/ play football, my family/eat dinner, they/ cook, I/ snowboard, Mrs Benedik/ski, Tony/listen to music, my best friend/ write a story, she / swim, Polly / sleep, my mum / read a book, my friends / play the drums, I / play the saxophone, Mr Jones and his daughter / watch TV, Peter / wash the dog, Pinocchio / climb, the girl / help her father, the girl / sleep, Peter and Mary / chat on the phone, you / go to school by bus, your parents / read newspapers, they / run, your brother / ski, Peter's girlfriend / play the drums, John / play football, Kate / play chess, her husband / cycle, they / walk to school, he / read a book, he / play football, dad / have a bath, Paula / have a shower, your mum / clean the house, Billy / rest, your uncle and aunt / walk the dog, Tim's family / play with a ball, Tina / have a birthday party, Tony / play the piano, Mr Johnson / draw, Mike / sit, Paul / collect stickers, Jim / dive, Tony and his brother / play tennis, Mary / have a rest, the bird / eat, she / read newspapers in bed, they / sleep, your mum and dad / shop for clothes, your best friend / watch TV, I / play the drums, they / eat breakfast, Holly / paint.

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