1) Ghosts......exist in this castle because a lot of people have seen strange things here. a) can't b) may 2) Lucy says her aunt's got psychic powers, but she .....be joking. a) can't b) could 3) "The Curse of Tutankhamun"........be a very good film - there's nobody famous in it. a) can't b) might 4) I don't believe a UFO landed in your garden! You .......be crazy! a) can b) must 5) There's a strange man in the photo, but you can't see him very clearly. It........be a ghost. a) could b) can't 6) It .......be raining outside - nobody's carrying an umbrella. a) can't b) may not 7) I don't know where your phone is, but it......be in your room. a) must b) may 8) They are very tired so they .......come out with us tonight. a) might not b) may 9) You ............ Josh in town. He's on holiday. a) could have seen b) can't have seen 10) Sheena passed the exam, so her answers ......... wrong. a) may have been b) can't have been 11) He ........... home. His backpack's still here. a) couldn't have gone b) might have gone 12) Brian has been half an hour late already. He ........ his train but I'm not sure. a) may have missed b) must have missed 13) They ......... to Africa. They are saving to buy a new car. a) might have travelled b) couldn't have travelled 14) David was so absent-minded yesterday. He ......... to lock the door when he was leaving. a) must have forgotten b) may have forgotten 15) The letter's not on the table. Dad ........ it on his way to work. a) could have sent b) couldn't have sent 16) I …………….. up early yesterday because I didn't have morning classes. I stayed a bit longer in bed. a) needn't have woken b) didn't need to wake 17) I ……………. her my secret. Now I regret it. a) needn't have told b) didn't have to tell 18) You ………………. a bus to work. You know that I would have given you a lift in my car. a) didn't need to catch b) needn't have caught 19) I ............... last night binge-watching The Game of Thrones. I'm so tired now. a) shouldn’t have spent b) should have spent 20) I guess I ............ up much earlier, so as not to be late for work again. a) ought to have woken b) oughtn't to have woken

Advanced Expert Modal verbs must,may,might,could,can't, should, ought to, need (past & present)

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