Why do some people live so long?, Would you say that you have a healthy diet?, What things are most damaging to a person’s health?, Why are more and more people in the world becoming obese?, Can the government do anything to improve people’s health?, Is the air quality in Madrid good or bad? Why? Can this affect health?, What is your idea of a healthy diet?, What is the best way to exercise and keep fit?, Do you think people are healthier today than 50 years ago?, Will we discover the secret of eternal life one day? Would it be a good thing?, How many hours do you sleep every night? Is it enough / too much?, Do you think vegetarians and vegans are healthy? Why (not)?, What do you think about alternative medicine such as acupuncture or homeopathy?, Is it necessary to be healthy in order to be happy?, How can technology help us to get fit and healthy?, What kind of exercise do you do? Why, how often, who with... etc?, What is the best way to deal with stress?, Do pets have a positive influence on people’s health? Why?, Have you got any scars? How did you get them?, Is our modern lifestyle bad for our health? Why?, Are you allergic to anything? What effect do your allergies have?, How often do you visit the dentist? How do you feel about going there?, Have you ever been in hospital? Talk about it., Did the covid pandemic scare you?, Have you ever had an accident? Talk about it., How often do you get a cold or the flu? What do you do?, Are Spanish people generally quite healthy? Why (not)?, Should the government ban tobacco, alcohol and fast food? Why (not)?, What's the best way to lose weight?, Do you know anyone who you think is unhealthy? Why?, What's your idea of a healthy lifestyle?, How healthy are the other members of your family?.

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