Did you do anything interesting last weekend? What did you do?, What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done?, What is the most romantic thing you've ever done?, How long have you studied English? Why did you decide to study English?, Did you have a hero when you were younger? Who?, Who is the greatest person you have ever met? Describe him/her., Have you ever drastically changed your hair style or clothing style in a short time? Why?, What have you done a lot this week?, Who was your first crush?, Have you ever been bitten by a bee? , Tell me about what you did for the last 24 hours., When was the last time you went to a movie theater? What did you see?, Where did you hang out with your friends last? What did you do?, What kinds of food did you eat when you were a child? Do you eat the same things now?, Have you ever cheated on a test? Why?, What is the longest time you have stayed surfing the internet?, Do you think the past was better than the present? Why or why not?, Have you ever cried watching movies? What movie(s)?, Which was better for you: kindergarden or elementary school? Why?, What were some of your favorite toys when you were a child?, Where is the best place you have ever been?, What was the last really difficult thing you had to do?, Have you ever sung in public? What song have you sung?, Have you ever traveled abroad? Which contries have you visited?, Have you ever been camping? Did you enjoy it? What camp activity did you like best?, Have you ever been late for school? Why were you late?, Have you ever bought  anything from the internet? What was it?, Have you ever gotten a zero? Which subject? How did you feel?, Have you ever watched a movie in English without subtitles?, Have your parents punished you this month? Why?.

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