President George Washington - 1st President of the United States under the Constitution. No political party., Federal (National) Government (Gobierno Federal) - National government that serves the country., Taxes (Impuestos) - Extra cost added to products that is collected by government., Whiskey Rebellion (Rebelión de Whiskey) - Corn farmers revolted because they had to pay high taxes on their corn whiskey. Washington/troops put down the rebellion., National Road (Carretera Nacional) - First federally built road that connected the East & the West., Era of Good Feelings (Era de los Buenos Sentimientos) - Democratic-Republican leadership with no wars, huge westward expansion and a growing economy. , Political Parties (Partidos Políticos) - Groups of office seekers and politicians that form around a platform. ,  George Washington's Cabinet (Gabinete) - Leaders of the Executive Departments that advised the president and helped enforce the laws. , Alexander Hamilton- Secretary of the Treasury (Secretario de Tesoreria) - Washington's cabinet member, Federalist, that promoted the ideas of a powerful central government & national bank., Thomas Jefferson- Secretary of State (Secretario de Estado) - Washington's cabinet member, Democrat-Republican, who supported the idea of strong states and a weak central government. , The First Bank of the United States (Primer Banco de Los Estados Unidos) - Hamilton's idea of a bank to help the economy grow. Cause of political parties., Federalist (Federalista) - Hamilton's political party, promoted strong central government & a national bank. , Democratic-Republicans (Demócrata-Republicanos) - Jefferson's political party, promoted stronger state governments & tried to stop a national bank. ,

Unit #4 (A)-- 8th Grade US History Vocabulary: Early Republic- (A) Precedents and Political Parties

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