A - people who watch a film in a cinema or theatre - audience, B - something that you buy at a very good price - bargain, C - a film which makes you laugh - comedy, D - a big shop, usually on several floors, where you can buy all kinds of things (2 words)) - department store, E - people who appear in a film, in crowd scenes, but who don't talk - extras, F - somebody who really likes sports team or film star - fan, G - a written promise that a shop will repair something you buy - guarantee, H - a brave person who people admire - hero, I - a person who invents things - inventor, J - "Can I help you?" No, thanks. I'm ... looking. - just, K - What ... of films do you like? - kind, L - a place where you can borrow books - library, M - a person who is in charge of a shop - manager, N - the shop where you can buy newspaper and magazine - newsagents', O - Many people shop from homes today. They shop ... . - online, P - the story of a film - plot, Q - to stand in line when you are waiting for something - queue, R - a piece of paper you are given when you buy something - receipt, a time when shops sell things cheaper - sales, T - a film with very exciting story - thriller, U - Bill Gates set ... a foundation to help children all over the World - up, V - a person who plays violin - violinist, W - a film about cowboys - western,

Alphabet race: shopping, cinemas, etc

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