秋天 - autumn, 樹葉 - leaf, 變黃 - turns to yellow, 綠草 - green grass, 還是 - still, 天氣 - weather, 舒服 - comfortable, 春天 - spring, 不錯 - not bad, 顏色 - color, 時候 - time, 紅花 - red flower, 院子 - yard, 白色 - white, 漂亮 - pretty, 覺得 - to feel, 看到 - saw, 都有 - all have, 說 - to say, 新年 - new year, 華人 - Chinese person, 下一個 - next one, 星期 - week, 年糕 - rice cake, 那天 - that day, 拜年 - to visit someone on New Year, 臺灣 - Taiwan, 紅包 - red envelope, 如果 - if, 放鞭炮 - set off firecrackers, 貼春聯 - paste spring couplets, 不會 - will not, 給 - to give, 還會 - still can, 快到了 - almost here, 該 - should,ought to, 起床 - to get out of bed, 累 - tired, 睡覺 - to sleep, 來不及 - it's too late,there's not enough time too (to do something), 趕快 - right away,quickly,in a hurry, 刷牙 - to brush one's teeth, 洗澡 - to take a bath/shower, 用 - to use, 過 - (particle used after a verb to indicate past experience), 別 - don't, 昨天 - yesterday, 忘記 - to forget, 肥皂 - soap, 知道 - to know, 洗 - to wash, 乾淨 - clean, 洗臉 - to wash one's face, 晚上 - night, 還有 - also have, 送給 - to give(as a present), 隻 - (measure word for animals), 狗 - dog, 寵物 - pet, 帶 - to bring, 牠們 - they / them (used for animals), 散步 - to take a walk, 過 - (particle used), 去年 - last year, 貓 - cat, 上個月 - last month, 養 - to raise, 不見了 - (something) disappeared, 非常 - very, extremely, 可愛 - cute, 兔子 - rabbit, 餵 - to feed,

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