1) He doesn't have ... cake. a) a b) any c) many 2) My sister has ... baby. a) some b) an c) a 3) Are there ... strawberries? a) any b) some c) much 4) Is there ... onion on my sandwich? a) many b) an c) a 5) There are ... eggs in the kitchen. a) an b) much c) some 6) How ... children have they got? a) any b) much c) many 7) She doesn't have ... money. a) much b) some c) many 8) There's ... milk in the fridge. a) a b) some c) many 9) There aren't ... shops in this part of town. a) much b) some c) any 10) There aren't ... tourists here this year. a) some b) many c) much 11) I don't drink ... juice. a) some b) many c) much 12) Can I have ... water, please? a) a b) any c) some 13) Can you get ... bottle of orange juice, please? a) a b) any c) some 14) How ... cans of cola are there? a) many b) much c) any 15) I ate ... box of biscuits yesterday. a) a b) an c) many

some, any, a/an, much, many

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Estil visual


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