1) She _______ TV in every night. a) watch b) watches c) watching d) watched 2) I _______ with my friends at 5 p.m. a) plays b) play c) playing d) played 3) My father ______ drinking coffee. a) likes b) like c) liking d) liked 4) My cat _______ cat food. a) eating b) eat c) ate d) eats 5) Ahnaf and Aska _______ the task together. a) doing b) do c) does d) did 6) We ______ playing basket. a) love b) loves c) loved d) loving 7) They _______ badminton with me in every afternoon. a) play b) plays c) played d) playing 8) Ali _______ English in his school every Wednesday. a) studies b) study c) studied d) studying

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