Ordnance Survey - The official government organisation responsible for producing maps in the Ireland., sub-zone letter - Blue letter on OS maps, northing - a horizontal grid line on an OS map. The numbers along the sides of an OS map., easting - a vertical grid line on an OS map. The numbers along the top and bottom of an OS map., Grid reference - a way of locating paces and features on a map. Letter-Easting-Northing., Contour line - a line on a map joining points of equal height above or below sea level., Spot height - a point on a map with its exact height above sea level marked, Triangulation Pillar - Black triangles on the top of hills, showing its exact height in metres., Sketch map - a hand drawn map drawn in the field or from an aerial photograph, used to analyse landscapes, settlement - where people live or settle, Rural Settlement Patterns - farms, villages, or towns that have any of the following patterns- dispersed, clustered, or linear. They are shown as tiny black dots on a map., Dispersed rural settlement - A rural settlement pattern in which houses are dotted around the landscpe, Clustered (Nucleated) Rural Settlement - A rural settlement in which the houses are situated close to each other and in groups, Linear rural settlements - the houses are in a line usually along a road, Historical settlement - Evidence of past historical settlement that once existed in an area. Historical features or antiquities are shown by a red dot or name written win red., Scale - the ratio between the distance on a map and the actual distance on the ground., linear scale - a map scale that used a straight line, like a number line or ruler, representative fraction - scale - represents the map scale as a mathematical ratio or fraction e.g. 1:50000 can be shown as 1/50000 as well. Here such a scale means that one unit of measurement on the map is equal to 50000 of the same unit on the ground., Statement Scale - Uses words to describe the relationship between a distance on a map and a specific distance on earths surface - 2cm equals 1 km, legend - A list that identifies patterns, symbols, or colors used in a map, Area on an OS map - Multiply the number of blue squares along the top/bottom of map by the number of blue squares along the side of the map, cardinal points of the compass - North, South, East, West,

3E Geography OS Maps revision (02.09.2021)

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