We got lost in Paris. (take a map) - We should have taken a map. , My house plants died! (water) - I should have watered them. , I'm really hungry. (eat bigger breakfast) - I should have eaten a bigger breakfast. , Jon's father was really angry. (tell a lie) - Jon shouldn't have told a lie to his father. , The hotel was terrible. (stay somewhere else) - We should have stayed somewhere else. , Alice was late for class. (get up earlier) - She should have got(ten) up earlier. , My boyfried has a hangover today. (drink so much) - He shouldn't have drunk so much. , Your meal looks nicer than mine. (choose) - I should have chosen the same as you. , We're freezing! (bring our jackets) - We should have brought our jackets. , I still don't understand this grammar point. (do my homework) - I should have done my homework.  , I got sunburnt on the beach. (put on) - I should have put on sunscreen., I couldn't finish the hike because my feet were hurting. (wear comfortable shoes) - I should have worn comfortable shoes. ,

Should have / Shouldn't have

per en/la

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