1) How did Vomit Comet gets its name? a) Many astronauts get sick on this airplane ride b) People wanted to throw up for fun c) They eat before getting on the rollercoaster 2) Why do astronauts get taller in space a) Their clothes shrink b) Their spine stretches out c) Their clothes are made bigger 3) Astronauts are not ___________ in space they are ___________. a) floating falling b) falling floating c) swimming  diving 4) Why do you not float around on earth? a) clouds b) sky c) gravity 5) Astronatus have to workout in space because their bones and muscles a) break b) get weaker c) expand 6) When astronauts tried taking showers in space they had to wear________ _______ so they would not drown a) a bath towel b) a snorkel and goggles c) nose and ear plugs 7) How many years do astronauts train... a) 5 b) 2 c) 10 8) Does gravity keep you ______. a) up b) down c) nowhere 9) What do astronauts use to keep them still while they are sleeping. a) hold on to their pillow b) a blanket c) straps and a seatbelt 10) Astronauts cannot use pens in space because a) the pen would run dry of ink b) the ink would collect at the top c) the ik would float outside of the pen 11) On earth what ride can make you feel weightless? a) carosual b) roller coaster c) the bullett 12) What food is not allowed in space a) bread b) candy c) lettuce 13) Toliets in space do not use water to flush they use_____ a) gravity b) dirt c) air 14) When astronauts get back to earth their bodies feel a) light b) heavy c) smaller

Living in Space

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