1) Fanny _____ to school on foot every day . a) go b) goes c) going 2) I always _____ some biscuits after school. a) eat b) eats c) eating 3) I ____ my homework every night. a) do b) does c) doing 4) He _______ some stories now. a) read b) reads c) is reading 5) Emma always ______ at weekends. a) swim b) swims c) swimming 6) Ted and Bob always _____ football together. a) play b) plays c) is playing 7) I____ ( not eat ) mushrooms. a) do not eat b) does not eat c) is not eat 8) The cat _____ ( not eat ) bones. a) do not eat b) does not eat c) is not eat 9) They ___ ( sing ) in the hall now. a) sing b) is singing c) are singing 10) The rabbits _____ ( not like ) seeds. a) do not like b) does not like c) are not like

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