Again and Again - a word, phrase or situation that happens over and over in a story, Words from the Wiser - an older or wiser character gives a younger character advice, Contrasts and Contradictions - the character acts in a way that surprises the reader, Tough Questions - the character asks a difficult question, Memory Moment - the character reflects on something that happened in the past, Aha Moment - the character realizes something imoportant, External Conflict - the character struggles with an outside force, Internal Conflict - the character struggles on the inside to make a decision, First Person Point of View - the narrator is a character in the story, Third Person Point of View - the narrator is not a part of the story, Exposition - the beginning or (initiating event) of a story, Climax - the turning point in the story, Resolution - the ending of a story, Setting - when and where a story takes place, Mood - the feeling the reader gets from the story, Theme - the lesson to be learned by the story, Protagonist - the main character in the story, Antagonist - a character that he main character struggles against, Main Idea - what the story is about, Characterization - what the character is like,

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